All members of the association are volunteers, including those who hold social charges.
The Board of Directors is composed as follows:
The board of directors meets monthly.
The members’ meeting is usually convened once a year to approve the budget and the report of the activities carried out.
The roles and duties of the Board and Assembly are defined in our 2012 “AMICI DI ADWA” Statute by notary.
The association currently has 43 members, not only from Cento and its surroundings but also from other Italian regions as Lombardia and Piemonte.
The association has a staff composed of:
Silvia Bonaiuti – communication referent, project manager, press office –
Anna Govoni – contact person for administration, budget, purchases –
Beatrice Neri – fundraising referent for individuals, fundraising campaigns, non-health volunteers –
Enrico Atti – communication and fundraising –
Collaborator: Carolina Paltrinieri – photographer and contact person for health volunteers –